
Kanon is a series about the girls err... life of Yuichi Aizawa. It talks about the five main girls around Yuichi and their problems. The series, at first, is very dragging. I had an on-off-on-off experience in watching this series since it was very boring at first. But later, when I got to episode 5 or so, I gained interest in the anime because of the sudden revelation of a character in the story. This anime has fantasy in it, and also, the sudden turn a twists of events in the story is something that you can look forward to when you watch it. I admit that I was actually teary-eyed on some episodes of the anime. But I still find it disturbing that Yuichi gets to have intimate relationships with five girls one after the other (or even sometimes, at the same time O.O) This anime can be a tear-jerker but there are really scenes that are so dull, like nothing interesting happening, that I had to bear just to get on to the next interesting part. So if you want an anime with unexpected turns of events that also, has cute characters in it (with very cute actions :3) this is the anime series you're looking for. ;)

Yuichi Aizawa

(from left to right) Mai, Makoto, Nayuki, Ayu, Shiori

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Harem
Rating: 7/10 Cute drawing :3, nice stories, but has a number of dull moments :(

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